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Why NOW Is the Best Time to Start a Podcast

If you already have a successful, popular podcast, then you already know the power of podcasting to create an audience, to build credibility, to make connections with the movers and shakers in your niche and to sell a lot of product.

Think about this: When you have a podcast, you are in your target market’s ears for 20 to 60 minutes. This is intimate, one-on-one time with no interruptions or competition for their attention. You can create personal (PERSONAL!) relationships with your audience in a way that the written word can never do.

If you want to…

… and you don’t already have a podcast, I’d like to suggest that right now is the ideal time to start one.

It’s like that saying, ‘The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, and the second best time is right now.’

Maybe the best time to start a podcast was a year ago, but today is nearly as good because unlike almost any other medium, there is still tons of room for you in podcasting.

Five years from now? You’ll either have hundreds of episodes in your pocket and an audience of several hundred thousand (millions maybe?) or you’ll be kicking yourself HARD because you didn’t start a podcast in 2021.

Have you noticed how popular podcasting is becoming? If you had doubts before, surely by now you realize that podcasting is here to stay.

Maybe you’re waiting to podcast until you ‘feel ready’ – whatever that means. But here’s the secret every podcaster knows: Almost no one who ever started a podcast was truly “ready”.

In fact, you have the same level of experience as almost every other new podcaster out there. That’s because you know how to TALK, and if you can talk, you can do a podcast.

A few short years from now everyone and their dog will have their own podcast.

But if you start podcasting NOW, your competition will be about 2-5% of what it will be in a few years.

That means it will be 20 to 50 times EASIER to build an audience now than it will be later.

How do you get started?

Maybe you should do a bunch of research, buy some podcasting how-to courses, and take the next year to ‘figure it all out’.

Yeah. Because that always works, doesn’t it?

If you take that route then a year from now you will be exactly where you are today – no podcast.

I’d like to suggest a different method, one in which you simply jump in and get started.

No muss, no fuss. You just do it.

It doesn’t matter if NO ONE hears your first few broadcasts. Those are for practice anyway. But the point is to get started NOW, to figure out what you’re doing, and a month from now you can have a legitimate podcast with a real audience.

Your first few podcasts can be for practice while you learn.

And learn you will.

A month from now you can have podcasting experience under your belt as well as a growing audience.

Stop thinking about podcasting and just start doing it.

Need more motivation?

Check out this list of podcasting facts from

Do you sell anything in your business?

Yeah, stupid question ?

Check out these advertising stats:

You might think you need expensive equipment to create a podcast, but you can start with just your smartphone and upgrade later. Here’s everything you need to know about podcasting from your smartphone:

You can even use a service to handle all of the podcast details for you, so that all you have to do is the actual podcast. Just search for “done for you podcasting” and you’ll find a variety of options.

As long as you can speak, there simply is no excuse anymore for not podcasting, while there are plenty of reasons to start your own podcast today:


Are you convinced yet? I know podcasting sounds scary. What if you say stupid stuff? What if you can’t think what to say? What if, what if, what if… remember, there’s something called EDITING which allows you to remove anything you don’t like.

See? No more excuses.

One last thing: Here’s a quick list of even MORE reasons for you to start podcasting this year and yes, this MONTH:

Money. Sell advertising. Take on sponsors. Promote your own products. Do JV’s with your guests. There are tons of opportunities to make money with a podcast.

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