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The Most Expensive Adwords To Buy On Google Versus The Highest Paying Ad-sense Placements To Add To Your Site

Forget the idea of setting up a Adsense Based Website Until You Have Read The Reuslts Of This Revealing New Study!

If you’re considering building Google AdSense supported web sites, backed up with either a Web Cam, topical discussion forum or YouTube Partner videos, you’ll want to know about and use this new list of highest paying keywords for Google AdWords to generate more revenue for your site.

Thirty Two BILLION dollars. That’s how much advertising revenue Google reported genrating during 2011.

And while Google has many product offerings, the majority of that $32 Billion dollars they generated lastt year came from their Google AdWords programs.

With AdWords, as you may be aware, businesses and individuals can pay to have website adverts appear above and to the right of Google organic search results and on a selction of search partner pages when the adverts closely match a specific keyword or keyphrase typed into the Google search engine by a Google user. If the web ad is clicked on, the business placing the web ad pays a nominated fee to Google.

Web Ad clicks are sold to the highest bidder, with ad-click prices starting from just 5 cents, and going up from there. In highly competitive markets, some web ads will cost as much as $50 or even $200 per click in some extreme cases.

Since the web ad clicks are bid upon and the highest bidder gets the best ad placement at the top, the more competition for the keyword or phrase, the more the ad-clicks will cost.

For example, if you were an Estate Agent in Florida USA, you could sign up with Google AdWords to have your ad appear on Google sites whenever someone searched for ‘retire toflorida’.

Google would then show the minimum bid it would take to get your ads to appear on google search results.

You could bid the minimum amount, or if you wanted your ads to be near the top of all ads for the phrase, you could bid higher than everyone else.

And that’s how Google earns its money. By pitting advertising against each other in a bidding war, allowing them to bid up prices for highly desired search phrases.

To increase revenue further, Google allows web site owners to participate by joining the Google Adsense program.

In the Adsense program, Google will scan your web pages, and place web ads that match keywords on the page. If a Google placed web ad is clicked, the site owner earns a small percent of the price Google received for the ad-click.

for example, if a business pays Google twenty five cents each time a web ad is clicked on, the site owner might earn five cents per web ad click from Google.

What’s all the fuss you say… surely this is just pocket change… Well yes it is…

But if a business has paid Google Twenty Five dollars for the web ad click, and the website owner then was able to receive Five dollars per click instead of just five cents. Then I’m sure you can clearly see where it can starts to get interesting for the website owner.

Being an entrepreneur you can imagine that knowing which search topics pay the most would be a huge advantage to you. After all, it would take just the same amount of time and effort to set up a website for low paying search topic as it would a high paying one.

But there’s a catch. To pursue this ‘highest paying web ad’ strategy, the site owner must know which web ad keywords pay the most. – And Google doesn’t release this information.

However, since this information could be quite valuable, WordStream spent months researching Google’s cost per click database, and compiled a list of the ten thousand highest cost per click words.

Using their findings, they produced the list shown below.

The 20 most expensive keywords categories with the highest search volume and highest costs per click, thereby netting Google the most money, are:

If you are a web site owner participating in Google Adsense programs, writing articles about the any of the twenty words above can significantly increase the amount you’ll be paid by clicks on Google Ads that appear on the article page.

For more details about the study used to determine the top 10,000 highest paying AdWords, see


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