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10 Rules to Achieve Anything You Want in Life

Maybe you feel stuck in a rut, unable to break free.

Maybe you can’t even remember what your dreams are (or were).

Or maybe you’re on the verge of massive success but can’t seem to get over that finish line.

Here’s some help.

These are the 10 rules I use in life to create success in 3 out of 4 endeavors.

That’s right. About 1 out of 4 times I fail.

But then I pick myself up, wash the grass stains out of the seat of my pants and get back to work.

Here are my rules (tips, suggestions, laws or whatever works for you).

May they help you to achieve all your dreams:

1: Forget motivation.

Motivation is temporary, fleeting and one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on the self-help industry.

Instead, focus on commitment. How committed are you to your goal? Why? What happens when you reach it? What will you sacrifice to achieve your goal?

If you wait for the motivation fairy to sprinkle you with get busy dust, you will fail.

But if you are committed, you will take action and succeed.

2: Focus on the journey.

People who focus on results see their will to succeed wither and die like a daisy in the dry desert the first time they hit a roadblock.

But people who focus on the journey – learning, exploring, experimenting, improving – keep moving forward despite obstacles.

3: Have fun

Why is it that all these success books never talk about FUN? If you’re not having fun, you’re not going to continue moving towards your goal.

Life is an awesome game (yes, a GAME!) and if you take it seriously you will lose all perspective.

Even the biggest goal can be achieved if you treat it like a game and just have as much fun as possible on the way to that goal.

4: No stinking thinking

If you’re awake then you’re probably thinking. And those thoughts do indeed determine your future. Feeling hopeless, insecure, pessimistic, doubtful and afraid? Good luck being successful because it’s just not going to happen.

But if you choose instead to feel happy, hopeful, optimistic, excited and ready to step out of your comfort zone at a moment’s notice, I can about guarantee your success in life.

5: Reframe the crap

You’re not stuck in a dead end job – you’re learning valuable life skills you can use in your own business.

You don’t have tinnitus – you can hear the sound of the universe cheering you on.

You don’t have a lack of education – you have an open mind ready to absorb new information not for 4 years, but for your entire lifetime.

That lady that cut you off in traffic? – She’s on her way to see her dying mother in the hospital. Aren’t you glad you’re having a better day than that?

That failure you experienced on your last business venture? – That set the ground work for your inevitable success in this new venture you’re launching next month.

Reframe all the negative stuff right into positive stuff and watch the magic happen. I can’t tell you how many times this simple trick put me back into a positive mood and enabled me to move forward with energy and focus.

6: Feel the fear and do it anyway

Whatever it is that you’re scared to do, here’s how to get over that fear as quickly as possible:

Just do it.

If you don’t, the fear will grow until it appears insurmountable.

But if you do whatever it is that’s scaring you, I promise it won’t be one-quarter as bad as you imagined. In fact, you might even find you enjoy it.

7: Kill the distractions

Can’t stop watching TV? Cancel your TV service and give away the TV.

Are you cleaning house when you should be working on your business? Hire someone to clean the house for you.

Do you have a hobby that keeps calling your name? Rent a storage unit and move all of your hobby stuff into it. Don’t open it again until you achieve your latest goal.

8: It’s all you, Baby

Don’t expect anyone else to do it for you.

Your partner, your spouse, your parents and friends all have lives of their own. Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, you are the one who is going to make it happen.

That includes being happy. No one (NO ONE) can make you happy except for you.

9: Enlist the help of others

Yes, I just told you that whether or not you’re successful is 100% up to you and you alone.

And it is.

That doesn’t mean you can’t hire experts to make the journey easier. You are still responsible for choosing the right people and making sure they do the work you want done.

If you’re going to be successful then it will be because you accomplished what need to be done to be successful, and sometimes that means bringing in other people to help you along the way.

10: Make a plan

You’ve got the goal, but what’s your plan for achieving it? You should know the next three steps you need to take to achieve your goal. Schedule when you will have these three steps accomplished and then get busy on your plan.

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